Did you know that the first Father's Day celebration took place on June 19, 1910? And it was place in the USA (more precisely in Washington). On this date, Sonora Louise Smart Dodd wanted to honor her father, who after the death of his wife raised his children alone.
But it wasn't until 1966 that the third Sunday in June was officially chosen as Father's Day. In 1972, President Nixon made the national holiday official.
In addition to the USA, other countries such as Mexico, Canada, France, Japan, China, Chile, the United Kingdom and South Africa, as well as some countries in South and Central America, Africa and Asia also celebrate Father's Day in same date. In Brazil, Father's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of August.

After the history lesson above, let's move on to the present day, another Father's Day is coming and as always, we sons almost always never know what to buy (it's always like this). We spend hours at the mall even knowing that they like so many things, and yet, it we delay time to find (or not find) a gift that is made for him. Nowadays, with the option of buying online, things have become easier (but only a little), the diversity of products, promotions, convenience and delivery times also help us to decide the best gift.

It is very important to remember that we are still in the pandemic (so take care), but some places are in a better situation and less restrictions, with this, it is very likely that many will be able to celebrate this special date again and to give that tight hug to their dear father .
Every father is different (of course), has a style and a special personality, there's that conservative/traditional father, who likes to get clothes and perfumes, and there's the one who loves to travel, who thinks he's the best mechanic and loves to work on the car or fix things home, and there is the one who loves a good read and story telling, and there is the high tech, who loves technology, every year he changes his smartphone and is super excited about the launches of the technological in world, and many other types of father.
But let's get down to business, from now on you will see some gift suggestions for dad.

Nothing better than remembering that perfume that only your father has, and that reminds you of good things from the past. So why let his perfume finish and surprise him with his favorite perfume? This tip is very good, especially if your father is one who doesn't change the fragrance for other and uses perfume even to sleep, I'm sure he will like it.

If your big daddy is one who likes to live in style, doesn't miss the trip to the mall, always comes back with a new piece to put in the closet and loves to debut new costumes, now it's your turn to present him with a new piece (or new parts)! What parent doesn't like getting a new piece of clothing or footwear (whatever it is)? This tip is also foolproof and will make any parent happy, and you'll still make him stylish, prettier and ready for a new ride.


This is the gift that all parents deserved, traveling to enjoy and rest. Unfortunately not everyone can (for various reasons), but for those who can and appreciate a good trip, this is the right gift! Knowing and exploring new places, seeing beautiful landscapes, this is undoubtedly the dream of many, if your father likes it and you can, be sure to give him a beautiful trip. He will definitely like it!


Here's the tip is golden! If your dad is the do-it-all, the best mechanic in the neighborhood (or just thinks he knows how to handle the car), loves (says he will) fix things around the house, and can't stand to see a loose screw that already runs to get the tools, this is his gift! You don't even have to think about buying something else, go with the tools! In this option you will find a wide variety of different types and prices. A small kit or a nice suitcase will make you very happy and ready for new home renovations or car adjustments.


Read or not to read, that is the question.
If your father is the intellectual type, likes stories and traveling without leaving home, bingo! Give a book! A book is always a good request, and they won't be missed! From gastronomy to photography, from fun to mystery, from the old world to the new world. A book will take you to places you've never been, to know stories never told. For the father who enjoys a good read, he doesn't need a lot of history to gift. Give a book or books!


The world is becoming technological and our parents are evolving along with technology, and today they are more modern and always want to live up to date. If you've seen your dad's style in these words, it's time to gift him a new smartphone! Options will not be lacking in the market and they are accessible for all budgets, from the cheapest to the most expensive, from the simplest to the most advanced. At this point here I'm sure what does he win will make him super happy and excited. And with the new technological device you will have new options to connect with him to know how he is and to send that kiss.
Projector Portable Wemax Go

With this amazing gift your dad will be delighted and will want to show all his friends, neighbors and relatives what this small projector is capable of, you will find it at a birthday, at the market, at the mall and in several places with one of the smallest projectors world's laser in your pocket!
Of course, the fact that the projector is in his pocket will not be without reason, at any time his may want to watch something and your new gift will always be of great importance, after all, a game may be about to start, or the last episode of your favorite season who just left.
Also, the family movie session and the next camp will be much more fun and interesting, and at work, the projector will make your presentations stand out even more.
Ready, the Wemax Go will be an inseparable companion of its father.
Don't worry he won't forget you, to everyone who asks him he will say with the greatest happiness: "it was my son who gave it to me".
And that's it, there are countless options for gifts for your dad, and it all depends on what he's like and what he likes.
Don't forget to do the most important thing, send your letter along with the gift saying how special your father is!
And remember, the most important thing of all is love!
Happy Fathers Day!
Comments (3)
Jéssica Nogueira on July 26, 2022
Que texto fluido, muito bem escrito. Me deu algumas ideias pra comprar o presente de meu pai👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Iago on July 26, 2022
Amazing articule, very good 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Pietro Mascera on July 26, 2022
Good ideas
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