A lot has been said about moms and their love since time immemorial. Albeit being the incarnation of love and selflessness, moms do not get the love they deserve.
This Mother’s day let us show our love to mommies without any inhibitions. Be there for them, do something nice and let them bask in your love.
1. Home Assistants
Want to gift your mom a friend? Give them a home assistant. It is the perfect go-to friend for playing music, sharing recipes, ordering dinner, shopping online or talking fashion.
And having a home assistant would also be handy in controlling all the smart appliances at home. And by talking to the home assistant moms would be familiar with all new trends and high school slangs. Wow! Wouldn’t they be the coolest moms in the town?
Amazon Echo
2.A Therapeutic package
Aging like fine wine is a gift and it has to be celebrated. A regular attention to physical and mental health is not a luxury but necessity. A package of 15 days of Ayurvedic therapy for complete rejuvenation will lift the moods of the moms.
Love them and show them that you value them by gifting them a pathway for wellness. Especially when moms are quinquagenerians or more will appreciate an oil massage pampering. Come on shout out your love!
Kerala Rejuvenation package
3.Portable Projector
Recreating valuable memories is a gift. Bringing back the funs of the last century is a thrill. And guess what… A compact portable projector does that for you. Moms would love it when a projector takes them for a nostalgic ride of their early teens, when they would sneak out to open theatres with their friends and neighbors.
Bringing the theatre to home would have been a fantasy then. A bowl of popcorn and crisps with a recliner, on a snowy evening with a projector to watch your favorite movie with your mom has to be in the to-do-list on a mother’s day.
Wewatch V30 SE

4.Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Moms are cleanliness freak. Period. Particularly, new moms would be juggling between jobs, babies, mood swings and house hold chores. And it is a well-known fact that it is not a cake walk for the husbands to take over the cleaning job either.
So let the robot vacuum cleaner be the new normal. These tiny bots can wet mop, dry mop, self-charge, scan obstacles and act accordingly. Let us help the moms to keep the homes sparkling clean without having them to sweat out.
Wetie Robot Vacuum
5.Mommy’s Day out
Touted as the totem of sacrifice, moms barely take time to enjoy the nuances of life. They don’t have the luxury of some me time even though they fervently want to hang out with their girls’ gang.
A nice dinner for the moms along with their clique to fuss over themselves will warm their heart. And considering the ambiance, won’t a dinner at a sea side restaurant be the best of the choices? Do give a try and do something special for one of the most important women in your life.
Surf & Sand Laguna Resort
6.Indoor plants
Plants have a flair to calm down nerves and elevate moods. A much needed dose for mommies. When mommies work round the clock and sit back once in a while, these indoor flowering plants soothe them without effort.
These plants also offer fresh air and give fragrance. Indoor plants have been proven to be natural anti-depressants. Every morning when you start the day these plants are sure to be welcoming.
A variety of indoor plants
7.Personalized Jewelry
Mommies are the embodiment of love. They love their children to the moon and back. Why not give her a rock to appreciate that love? Especially moonstones.
A moonstone aptly exemplifies moms for their intuition, femininity and love. A moonstone pendent with matching earrings and a bracelet to go with them will floor the priceless mommies.
Moonstone Jewelry
8.Automatic lawn mower
This is a great gift for moms who love gardening. Automated machines are the new normal but this little guy is utilitarian. This smart machine can sense boundaries and stay within; find out their own charging hub; sense clammy weathers and sleep and so on. It needs little to no human intervention.
Moms can also control these things by customizing the app they have installed in their mobiles. Mommies are going to love this for sure.
Robot Lawn Mower

9.China wares
It is always inquisitive why moms are so obsessed with their China wares. They fret over it so much that only guest who are privileged get to be served in the treasured china wares. So a Chinese dinner set should be sneaked into the top list of gifts for mommies.
These exquisite table wares adorning the crockery unit will make mommies beam for days.
Chinaware Dinner Set
Pets are like soul mates. Dogs are the show stealers of the highest order. One look into their eyes and these crooks manage to steal your hearts. And mommies are going to LOVE these canines.
These cute things come in different sizes from pocket size to bear size. You name it and you have it. These shameless cuddlers make mommies go back to the times when they were busy mushing with their babies. Pets are the best healers and also loyal lovers. So, last but not the least, the gift list is incomplete without pets.
Choose your pup at Puppyspot
Let us celebrate our mothers by showering them with love, hugs, kisses and gifts. Happy Mother’s Day to all Mommies out there and a big shout out to them for being just themselves.
Comments (2)
Arunselvan on July 26, 2022
Good One. Last one is very opt onefir them. Dogs.
Priya Sivaraj on July 26, 2022
Awesome one ❤️
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